Tejedoras de cultura

Las mujeres judías en México

Tejedoras de cultura -  AA.VV. - Ibero
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Weavers of culture, Jewish women in Mexico, aspires to provoke in our readers a redoubled interest in discovering in each of its chapters the voices of Mexican Jewish women who cry out for a look and a different way of listening to them, which opens the way to changes in social, community relations, family and partner families that today's generations of girls and adolescents require more than ever; to ensure the equal footing with the other and the recognition of their singularities for which their predecessors have fought for decades, simply weaving culture.


Book: Tejedoras de cultura

ISBN: 9786074178241
Precio de lista: $470.00
Descuento: 10%