Teoría y análisis de la cultura. Vol. I

Teoría y análisis de la cultura. Vol. I - Gilberto Giménez - Ibero
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Soft cover

Culture is present in every interaction of human beings, with their peers and with the world. Through it, all our thoughts become concrete in action, in transformation. Analyzing it, therefore, represents a complex task, since it demands an intense effort to distance ourselves from what we live and coexist with, that permeates us and in which we are immersed. In this volume, Gilberto Giménez examines in detail the multiple perspectives from which culture has been historically approached. This, based on his Prolegomena, where he exposes his own thoughts, and his Anthology, where he engages in a fruitful dialogue with expert sociologists and anthropologists through his texts, some of them translated in this work for the first time into Spanish.This work offers the reader, whether a student or professional in the area of cultural management, a robust tool to better understand that which ...read more


Book: Teoría y análisis de la cultura. Vol. I

ISBN: 9786078768240
Precio de lista: $220.00
Descuento: 10%