Teoría y técnica de la psicoterapia psicoanalítica 

Teoría y técnica de la psicoterapia psicoanalítica  - Joan  Coderch - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 520 g

t raises the basic elements common to psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, but pointing at the same time, differences, especially in the technical aspects such as frequency and timing of the sessions, the levels of interpretation, the limitation of free association , the modes of operation of the transfer, and so on. Apart from the specialists, also the general public and the patients themselves and their families can draw great benefit from reading this book.


Book: Teoría y técnica de la psicoterapia psicoanalítica 

ISBN: 8425415764
Precio de lista: $1,005.00
Descuento: 30%