Terapia Gestalt 

Enfoque centrado en el aquí y el ahora

Terapia Gestalt  - Celedonio  Castanedo Secadas - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 560 g

Gestalt Therapy is a method of psychotherapy and personal development developed by Fritz and Laura Perls that belongs to the humanistic roots movement called existential, in line with logotherapy V. Frankl and rational-emotive therapy A. Ellis. An extensive list of 250 existing approaches to psychotherapy today the American Academy of Psychotherapy Gestalt therapy places among the top six most used. This work illustrates the psychotherapeutic means possible to achieve an authentic relationship between the outside world (environment) and body (intra-psychic world of the person), both located in temporary space in the here and now. Increase awareness of how and why instead emphasizes that the person take responsibility for their behavior and to address their existential needs.


Book: Terapia Gestalt 

ISBN: 8425422663
Precio de lista: $1,200.00
Descuento: 30%