Tiempo de la vida y tiempo del mundo

Tiempo de la vida y tiempo del mundo - Hans  Blumenberg - Pre-Textos
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The present book develops an analysis on the factors that sharpen the conflict derived from the opening of the time scissors. The experience of the world in the course of a life is dwindling in spite of the mechanisms available to save time, to rectify experiential deficits that affect every individual even if it is only in the form of crises generated by the awareness that a single life , The only one we have is not enough to achieve a comprehensive experience of what we call the world.

Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Münster (Germany). In Castilian the following works have been published so far: Shipwreck with spectator (1995), Laughter of the Thracian girl (Pre-Texts, 1999), The realities in which we live (1999), The readability of the world Restlessness that crosses the river (2001), Work on the myth (2003), Paradigms for a metap...read more


Book: Tiempo de la vida y tiempo del mundo

ISBN: 9788481917963
Precio de lista: $1,095.00
Descuento: 25%