Todo a mil: 33 microensayos de Filosofia

Todo a mil: 33 microensayos de Filosofia - Javier Gomá Lanzón - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 323.2 g

Ortega y Gasset asked the philosopher for the courtesy of clarity. The circumstances of the present moment, in continuous transformation, add to the Orteguian requirement another second no less pressing: brevity. Who truly knows something, is able to say it in a luminous way and in brief space, say a thousand words. And this is the spirit that animates Javier Gomá in this collection of essays, or microassay, which is summarized in his title: Todo a mil. The goal is, in a thousand words, to introduce the reader to the almond of philosophical reflection. Thus, for example, some of these micro-assays risk precisely defining normally diffuse questions such as wisdom versus intelligence or human dignity; there are some who advocate countercurrent attitudes, such as the benefits of sitting, the disdain for novelties, the advantages of gossip or the joyful affirmation of our time; others more


Book: Todo a mil: 33 microensayos de Filosofia

ISBN: 9788481099751
Precio de lista: $470.00
Descuento: 25%