Todo en su sitio

Primeros amores y últimos escritos

Todo en su sitio - Oliver Sacks - Anagrama
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Soft cover

In his posthumous and unpublished essays, Oliver Sacks tells us about the scientific and personal passions that accompanied him throughout his life.

In this new book by Oliver Sacks we once again meet his infinite curiosity, his immense erudition and his overflowing personality as a doctor and writer. Its subtitle of "First Loves and Last Writings" perfectly reflects the content of this volume: a journey through the passions and experiences of Sacks's more than eighty years of life, in which he tells us about his first love for chemistry. , museums, libraries, swimming, medicine and, above all, that great enigma that fascinated him throughout his existence, the brain; a compilation of unpublished stories in which we peer into the world of dreams, of instincts, of brain aging, of the destruction of personality, of the forgotten virtues of sanatoriums; a summary also of some of more


Category: All >> Neuroscience

Book: Todo en su sitio

ISBN: 9788433964618
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 10%