Trans/citar la urbe

Representaciones simbólicas de las metrópolis

Trans/citar la urbe -  AA.VV. - Herder México
Publisher name: 
Herder México
Year of publication: 
Weight: 240 g

Babylon or Troy, Berlin or Buenos Aires, New York or Mexico City, before anything could be called up some horizons of hope, or as he calls Koselleck, horizons of expectations. These cities, like any other, are eminently objects of desire and arouse the interest of human habitation or seize their ever-growing space and always ill-defined._x000D_

What at first glance it might seem a paradox is that despite the psychological condition in the "big city novel" Großstadtroman, modern is in the center of attention, while , its role as the protagonist falls in novels as important as Manhattan Transfer, Berlin Alexanderplatz or Los siete locos, by Roberto Arlt, one of the first Latin American manifestations of this genre. the isolation of the individual, the risk of losing himself in the crowd, are represented as consequences of the development of modern industrialized mass society, more


Book: Trans/citar la urbe

ISBN: 9786077727156
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 30%