Trastornos del comer

Terapia estratégica e intervenciones para el cambio

Trastornos del comer - Rosina Crispo - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 205 g

The authors of this work are the team responsible for the Eating Disorders Center, in existence since 1985 in Buenos Aires, who, inspired by the Brief Therapy Center at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, is dedicated to practicing brief therapy in patients affected by some of the most common eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, weight concern. The book, after giving the theoretical basis of the method used in the Centre, describes a series of cases that the procedure has been successful in anorexics, bulimics or anxious at the prospect of obesity. His reading is essential for therapists interested in the techniques of the prestigious Palo Alto, and very useful for those who treat eating disorders.


Book: Trastornos del comer

ISBN: 8425418291
Precio de lista: $635.00
Descuento: 30%