Despite his brief life, Takuboku Ishikawa (1886-1912) is considered one of the fundamental Japanese poets of the 20th century. Abandoning the traditional themes of the wakas or tankas, he incorporated into his poetry the various feelings of daily life in a plain and colloquial language, with the original inspiration typical of modern man. In this sense, Takuboku tankas can be considered revolutionary. The poet always showed sympathy for the oppressed. Throughout his difficult life he questioned injustice and the legal, political, and economic systems, and was especially concerned with codes regarding Japanese patriarchal and hierarchical relations. In May 1905 he published his first book of poems, Akogare (Longing) with the financial support of his high school friends, and that same month he married Setsuko Horiai, whom he had fallen in love with since his student days. His daughter more