Javier Cano was born in Jaén in 1973. He graduated in History of Art from the Universidad Giennense and is a style corrector in a provincial newspaper. He has published, among other titles, Los lipios read (Madrid, Huerga y Fierro, 2000 - Young Andalusian Prize), Places for an Exile (Madrid, Rialp, 2002 - Adonais Award) and El idioma de Adán (Madrid, Visor, 2004 - International Prize Loewe Foundation to the young creation).
Your daily light, XVII Antonio Machado International Award in Baeza, was defined by the jury as "a book of love regardless of any topic, simple as well as direct, in which the poet manages to give everyday experiences the beat of the poetry. In short, a beautiful collection of poems that celebrates love as a feeling and living reality and that links with the best tradition of love poetry.
The floor already knows its steps...read more