Ulises y la Odisea

El pensamiento iridiscente

Ulises y la Odisea - Pietro Citati - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 500 g
Hard cover

In other times, Greeks, gods, heroes, and humans lived together. But, in the Odyssey, this happy situation has come to an end: Ulysses no longer belongs to the heroic time of the Iliad, but to ours. Although his life is not conceivable without divine intervention, the gods are far away now. Ulysses is just a man. While the other warriors dream of repeating the feats and tragic fate of Achilles, Ulysses adapts, folds, accepts the limits and learns to overcome them. Back in Ithaca he teaches Telemachus his art of living: endurance and words of honey, which transform our misery, the shadow of our dream, into a harmonious construction.
Pietro Citati moves, in the multiplicity of refractions and reflections, with the precise and sharp gaze of his character, understanding with affable wisdom the infinite mosaic of interpretations. In the end, a new hero and a new myth, so close to us,...read more


Book: Ulises y la Odisea

ISBN: 9788481096927
Precio de lista: $1,190.00
Descuento: 25%