Un amor de UIQ

Guión para un film que falta

Un amor de UIQ - Felix Guattari - Caja Negra Editora
Publisher name: 
Caja Negra Editora
Year of publication: 
Rustic with flaps

"One always wonders if there will be no life or intelligence on other planets, somewhere in the stars ... but we never ask the question about the infinitely small ... Maybe because that can come from that side, from a universe Even smaller than atoms, electrons, quarks. "

Although he wrote very little about cinema, Felix Guattari was a movie buff. He was particularly interested in the stakes and political challenges involved as a machine of subjectivation, whether the post-1968 radical films or large-scale Hollywood productions. "Cinema is political whatever its object ... In each production, in each sequence, in each frame, it is chosen between a conservative libidinal economy and a revolutionary break." So, however unexpected, it is not Strange that in an attempt to move to the action has tried luck with the realization of a science fiction film, a genre that in the eighties ...read more


Book: Un amor de UIQ

ISBN: 9789871622474