Un mundo ch'ixi es posible

Ensayos desde un presente en crisis

Un mundo ch'ixi es posible - Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui - Tinta Limón
Publisher name: 
Tinta Limón
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

"The ch'ixi appeared on my cognitive horizon when I still did not know how to name what I had discovered through my efforts of reflection and practice, when I said 'that strange mixture that we are.'

I learned the word ch'ixi from the mouth of the Aymara sculptor Víctor Zapana, who explained to me what animals come out of those stones and why they are powerful animals. He told me ences ‘ch’ixinakax utxiwa’, that is, there are emphatically Ch’ixi entities, which are powerful because they are indeterminate, because they are neither black nor white, they are both at the same time. The serpent is from above and at the same time from below; it is male and female; It does not belong to heaven or earth, but it inhabits both spaces, as rain or as an underground river, as lightning or as a mine vein.

On the premises of an ethical compass and the equality of intelligences and cogn...read more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: Un mundo ch'ixi es posible

ISBN: 9789873687365