Un verdor terrible

Un verdor terrible - Benjamin Labatut - Anagrama
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Book size:
Soft cover

The adventure of science converted into literature. An unclassifiable and powerfully seductive book.

The stories included in this unique and fascinating book have a common thread that intertwines them: science, with its searches, attempts, experiments and hypotheses, and the changes that – for better and for worse – it introduces in the world and in our vision of life. he.

Real discoveries parade through these pages that form a long disturbing chain: the first modern synthetic pigment, Prussian blue, created in the 18th century thanks to an alchemist who searched for the Elixir of Life through cruel experiments on live animals, becomes the origin of hydrogen cyanide, a deadly gas that the German Jewish chemist Fritz Haber, father of chemical warfare, used to make the pesticide Zyklon, without knowing that the Nazis would end up using it in extermination camps to murder m...read more


Book: Un verdor terrible

ISBN: 9788433998972