Una geografía imaginada. Diez ensayos sobre arte y naturaleza

Una geografía imaginada. Diez ensayos sobre arte y naturaleza -  AA.VV. - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Writing from different disciplines and attending different moments of history, the authors of the essays gathered here study cases that account for the articulation between nation and territory, between nature and imagination, between vision and story. Is the "limbo" in the chronicles of conquest equivalent to the "untamed" jungle of the Mapuche territory occupied by German settlers, or to the pristine land that an American traveler travels in the early twentieth century? The mountain range that is disputed as official landscape in the painting of the nineteenth century, is the same that travels in the form of a building to Seville in 1929 or that is installed in the public imagination at the end of the twentieth century? Do the natural scenes of primitive cinema contribute to the recollections of a distant country in the memory of children in exile? Descriptions, images and memories ...read more


Book: Una geografía imaginada. Diez ensayos sobre arte y naturaleza

ISBN: 9789568415747