Una teoría de la acción no violenta

Cómo funciona la resistencia civil

Una teoría de la acción no violenta - Stellan Vinthagen - Prometeo
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In this book, Stellan Vinthegen sets out to develop a conceptual framework and a new theoretical understanding of what "nonviolence" is. This objective will be achieved by synthesizing and pointing out existing weaknesses within previous academic research on nonviolence and suggesting a new basic understanding of this concept based on the way nonviolent movements have applied it: as a combination of acts against violence. and the attempt to carry out these acts without, at the same time, using violence. Then, in the following chapters the author will present the "tetradimensional perspective" proposal of nonviolence; and, in the last chapter, the analysis and the set of subconcepts are brought together in a new theory of how we can understand this fascinating social phenomenon. Stellan Vinthagen (1964) is Professor of Sociology and holder of the Chair in the Study of Nonviolent Direct...read more


Book: Una teoría de la acción no violenta

ISBN: 9789878331904
Precio de lista: $520.00
Descuento: 10%