Usos amorosos de las mujeres en la época medieval

Usos amorosos de las mujeres en la época medieval - Teresa Vinyoles Vidal - Catarata
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Weight: 289 g
Soft cover

How did the women of medieval Christian Europe feel, think, express their feelings and emotions? Women's history, a relatively recent discipline in historical studies, offers a documented view of the female presence in society, traditionally invisible and silenced, and access to the sphere of female feelings and submission. Clerics, moralists, legislators, novelists or treatise writers are the male voices that have pre-eminently described and prescribed the love practices of women. However, there are magnificent examples that bring us directly closer to thinking and feeling feminine. In this book, we will be able to hear their voices, their hopes, yearnings and regrets, through the amazing testimonies - captured in letters, poems, songs, memoirs, treaties, but also judicial documents such as interrogations and wills - of women of different classes and condition, some well-known and more

Category: All >> History >> Medieval

Book: Usos amorosos de las mujeres en la época medieval

ISBN: 9788413520780
Precio de lista: $655.00
Descuento: 25%