Vacuidad y no-dualidad

Meditaciones para deconstruir el yo

Vacuidad y no-dualidad - Javier García Campayo - Kairós
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Weight: 549 g
Soft cover

In most spiritual traditions, deconstructive meditations on the self and experiences of non-duality are considered the pinnacle of contemplative practice. Therefore, they have remained semi-hidden for centuries. The arrival of Buddhism and Hinduism in the West during the 20th century generated unprecedented worldwide interest in the practice of meditation. The mindfulness phenomenon is a magnificent example. However, deconstructive practices remain unknown to the general public and have barely begun to be studied by science and psychology.

This is one of the first books in the Spanish language that exhaustively reviews the vision that Eastern traditions that have emphasized the deconstruction of the “I” – such as Buddhism, Taoism and Advaita Vedanta – have taught on this subject. . Describes the main meditative practices designed by human beings to try to dilute the feeling of more


Category: All >> Spirituality

Book: Vacuidad y no-dualidad

ISBN: 9788499887593
Precio de lista: $740.00
Descuento: 15%