
Experiencias significativas para la reconstrucción del tejido social en un contexto de violencia

Vínculos - Celia Mancillas Bazán - Ibero
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Soft cover

This book addresses the reconstruction of the social fabric in Ciudad Juárez from the systematization of significant experiences and good practices of a civil association. The systematization was developed through participatory action research characterized by the collective construction of knowledge based on dialogue, horizontality and critical interpretation. The Family Center for Integration and Growth responds to emerging needs of the population through a series of psychosocial support strategies that favor the understanding and promotion of processes of change in a context characterized by the border condition, migration, multiculturalism and violence. Through testimonies, in this book you can observe the development of the participants and witness the strength, the sense of spirituality and life, solidarity, alliances, support networks and community resilience. Links is a recove...read more


Book: Vínculos

ISBN: 9786074177695
Precio de lista: $420.00
Descuento: 10%