On a tour that leads from Hegel to Walter Benjamin, passing through Emmanuel Levinas and, especially by Franz Rosenzweig, this book offers a reading of the relationship between violence and mesianism, from the Delegated Suggestion of a Messianity without Messianism, for Answer the question about the relationship between violence and the institutionalization of peace and justice. Inspired by the Deconstruction of Jacques Derrida, Petar Bojanic presents a suggestive interpretation of some fundamental texts and notions of this extraordinary set of thinkers around the problems of the (auto) immunity and alterity, homeopathy and allergology, war and violence, love and enemy, pacifism, sacrifice or victory.
Of particular importance in the deconstructive reading that offers violence and mesianism is the question of translation, which, by its own delivery to this task, so much relevanc...read more