Walter Benjamin

Hacia la crítica de la violencia

Walter Benjamin - Gustavo Leyva - Gedisa
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In 1921 Zur Kritik der Gewalt was published, Walter Benjamin's central text for the discussion on violence, power and its relations with Law and politics as well as with myth, religion and the very idea of revolution. This book offers an assessment of this writing, exposing its argumentation and the meaning of its criticism of Law, violence and power and, at the same time, its relevance and its eventual limits, thus doing justice to the very meaning of the term "criticism". that runs through both Benjamin's text and the essays presented in this text. This book closes with the translations of two texts by Benjamin presented in chronological order: "Notixen zu einer Arbeit über die Kategorie der Gerechtigkeit [Notes for a work on the category of justice]" (1916) and the text around which rotate all the works of this book


Book: Walter Benjamin

ISBN: 9786078866274
Precio de lista: $890.00
Descuento: 20%