Web semántica y sistemas de información documental

Web semántica y sistemas de información documental -  AA.VV. - Trea
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The Semantic Web project, developed and promoted by the W3 Consortium, an international consortium that guides the development of the Web, of a brilliant idea: what if the web pages could be processed as input to computer programs and not just as something meant to be displayed to be seen by a human being? It could be great things. Current Web 2.0 is certainly not the Semantic Web, but almost everyone acknowledges that it has brought dramatic changes and could be a good example of what we might expect. What we need to move from the Web as a document (the current Web) as data to the Web (Semantic Web) is that, first, page, plus content for humans (information), including content for computers (metadata). However, the Web has universal scope, so we need metadata systems (or metainformaciones) suitable for universal use and interpretable by computers. Second, we need some sort of formal ...read more


Book: Web semántica y sistemas de información documental

ISBN: 9788497044608
Precio de lista: $860.00
Descuento: 25%