Yasmina y otras narraciones

Yasmina y otras narraciones - Isabelle Eberhardt - Olañeta
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Soft cover

Isabelle Eberhardt has become an almost legendary writer for his life and his unique destiny, and a vital attitude pioneer in many fields. These stories, based on a greater or lesser extent experienced by the author's experiences illustrate the different facets of the world she loved passionately and which are fully integrated: the world of Islam and, in particular, the Bedouin culture of the Algerian Sahara.

"There is only one thing that can help me spend a few years of earthly life that I have been intended: the literary work, that factitious life has its charm and the huge advantage of leaving almost entirely free rein to our will, and that It allows us exteriorizarnos without suffering painful outside contacts. "

That was from the end of 1902 lsabelle Eberhardt, for whom the literary work always was, indeed, the great retreat, the privileged field perhaps the only on...read more


Book: Yasmina y otras narraciones

ISBN: 9788497167550
Precio de lista: $400.00
Descuento: 25%