Ibn 'Ata' Illah (1259-1309), the great Sufi master of the Shadhili tariqah, summarized the doctrinal and methodological wisdom of Sufism - the mystical Islam - in the book Al -Hikam. This text was intended for his disciples, but soon spread throughout Islam and remains widely read and meditated even today. Their sentences have earned hundreds of comments by many exegetes because of the richness of its content. These aphorisms are indeed quintaesenciadas distillations of spiritual wisdom that give the keys of discernment, but not for the world, or others, but to know himself. Al-Hikam is an inexhaustible source of liberating universal keys for the soul and intellect, and a constant reminder for discernment, for it is always effective detector of deception in knowledge of himself. Volume presented is complete, accompanying this fundamental text of Sufism, with Epistles and a mystical Colloquium same author.