Diccionario enciclopédico de Derecho Canónico 

Diccionario enciclopédico de Derecho Canónico  - Walter Kasper - Herder
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Weight: 1160 g
Hard cover

This work makes available to the Spanish-speaking audience a solid reference tool in their specialty, but also accessible in its content, language, sources and bibliography. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Canon Law, taken from the third edition of the Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche (1993-2001), contains 1021 voices and in their final five appendices (concepts, fees CIC, canons CCEO, juridical expressions in Latin and works cited) offers the nonspecialist an essential work tool brings you the complex rules of the Code of Canon Law. This book is designed for professionals, not experts, they should contact this branch of law (for example, matrimonial law, property, criminal and / or ecclesiastical process). It will also be useful for teachers and students of canon law and of interest to pastors, religious communities, deacons, students of theology and law in general, educational instit...read more


Book: Diccionario enciclopédico de Derecho Canónico 

ISBN: 8425424526
Precio de lista: $2,500.00
Descuento: 30%