Zen master and peace activist Jesuit, H.M. Enomiya-Lasalle (German citizen by birth and Japanese) is one of the great spiritual figures of our time. He lived as a missionary in Japan since 1929 and having survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, HM Enomiya-Lasalle became an advocate of intercultural dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity. As stated in 1987 Oshi Yamada Koun, Zen teacher Kamakura (Japan), the father who was a disciple Lassalle: "The fact that Catholics could practice zazen has become possible thanks to the parent Lassalle as a pioneer, broke the first ice. "Your message clramente reflects his thought: "the true Zen is not inconsistent with any religion, nor with Christianity. Anyone can help advance your way. "This is a captivating portrait of a Zen master who moved and touched many people with whom he crossed over her life.
Of interest to scholars of interf...read more