
Cómo resolver rápidamente problemas humanos imposibles

Psicosoluciones  - Giorgio Nardone - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 230 g

Human beings have a tremendous ability to complicate your life, but the fact that you can manifest stormy, twisted and persistent diseases, does not necessarily mean they are equally necessary therapies and prolonged painful. The experience of known scholars and therapists have shown that, through suggestive therapies based psychological well-targeted and strategic interventions, it is possible to lead people to quickly remove their own sufferings. From these considerations, this book presents the most advanced model of strategic solution of problems of the School of Palo Alto, which the Auora is one of the most reputable researchers. Giorgio Nardone guide the reader through anecdotes, metaphors, and stories of therapies discussions seemingly "magic", through a pleasant and useful journey to discover the art of solving complex human problems through simple solutions. The author "has more


Book: Psicosoluciones 

ISBN: 8425421810
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 40%