Filosofía como metanoética

Filosofía como metanoética - Tanabe Hajime - Herder
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Book size:
Weight: 660 g
Rustic with flaps

Hajime Tanabe is considered the leading figure of contemporary Japanese philosophy after Nishida . It, along with this , one of the leading representatives of the Kyoto School , a movement of philosophical, religious , social and political ideas that emerged in Japan upheaval of the early twentieth century and is characterized by an appropriation of Western philosophy from the ancient tradition of Mahayana Buddhism .

Philosophy as metanoética (1945 ) magnum opus of the author confronts Buddhism Shinran ( 1173-1262 ) with Western thinkers such as Eckhart , Kant , Schelling , Hegel , Pascal, Kierkegaard , Nietzsche and Heidegger. The result is a reinterpretation of mystical and a rethinking of religion from the dynamics of nowhere. This provides a useful frame of historical revival , because nothing is one of the most common motifs in the spiritual atmosphere of our time , film , more


Book: Filosofía como metanoética

ISBN: 9788425433351
Precio de lista: $1,200.00
Descuento: 30%