El giro pragmático en la filosofía contemporánea

El giro pragmático en la filosofía contemporánea - Federico Penelas - Gedisa
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Weight: 15.5 g

The philosophical development of the late twentieth century is under the sign of a pragmatic turn. The multi theory of speech acts deployment, rehabilitation of classical pragmatism, neopragmatism, critical theory, the program naturalization of phenomenology, social and cultural studies of the scientific enterprise, the narrativism in philosophy of history The rise of the philosophy of action and communitarian positions in political philosophy, among other trends, are testimony to that turn. Perhaps the most characteristic and integrator of its variants feature is the construction of a new rationality, which is presented as fallible, plural permeable work experience. Although it is a reason that criticizes itself also provides value judgments and a meditation on the ultimate goals in both the theoretical and practical level. Your challenge is to avoid "anything goes" and yet maintain ...read more



Book: El giro pragmático en la filosofía contemporánea

ISBN: 8474329868
Precio de lista: $580.00
Descuento: 20%