Guía de perplejos

Guía de perplejos - Mosé Ben Maimón Maimónides - Trotta
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Through the dense pages of "Guide for the Perplexed", "true theological and philosophical sum of Judaism," the reader will discover an innovative exegesis of the Bible, critically learn the main Aristotelian theories estimate for himself the lively controversy the author with Islamic theologians, and you will receive a precious first-hand information on scientific development, especially of astronomy in the Middle ages. Rightly "Guide for the Perplexed" has been considered by scholars as the masterpiece of medieval Jewish thought.

The Sephardic thinker sought help with this work who, possessing a religious spirit to the pair that "versed in philosophy and true science" is found, however, full of doubts, disoriented, perplexed.

In the present work we offer the direct translation of the original Arabic, certified translation into Hebrew of a philosophical-theological text more


Book: Guía de perplejos

ISBN: 9788498795936
Precio de lista: $1,325.00
Descuento: 25%