Magrelli Valerio was born in Rome in 1957. After spending a year at the Sorbonne, he graduated in Philosophy at the University of Rome. He currently teaches French literature at the Universities of Cassino and Pisa, and collaborates in several Italian newspapers. He is the author of Ora serrata retinae (Feltrinelli, 1980; Mondello Opera Prima Award), Nature and venature (Mondadori, 1987; Viareggio Prize), Esercizi di typtology (Mondadori, 1992; Montale Prize), meeting in the volume: Poesie (1980- 1992) e altre poesie (Einaudi, 1996). He has also published three books of poetry: Didascalie per la lettura di un giornale (Einaudi, 1999), Disturbi the binary system (Einaudi, 2006) and most recently, Il sangue amaro (Einaudi, 2014). He has translated several French writers such as Stephane Mallarme, Paul Valéry and Francis Ponge. Along with his work as a poet and translator, he has written Magrelli lucid essays, the last of them, a father di Geologia (Einaudi, 2013).