Visiones de cuatro poemas y el poema que no está

Visiones de cuatro poemas y el poema que no está - Eduardo Milán - Mangos de hacha
Publisher name: 
Mangos de Hacha

There's poem presence. And there's poem absence. There the poem forget he fell absence which reaches up from the bottom of a well to claim their right to clarity and pure air. There are poems fleeing their own consummation. There are poems returning to the delight of the known reader. Poems fleeing their drinking pure, poems become aware of his being there in action. I know poems that tell me nothing, poems that I would have written poems I know that his writing was absolutely necessary to change human life, not society.
Eduardo Milan

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Visiones de cuatro poemas y el poema que no está

ISBN: 9786079640620
Precio de lista: $150.00
Descuento: 10%