Noche fantástica

Noche fantástica - Stefan Zweig - Acantilado
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fantastic night contains seven stories of Stefan Zweig. A prostitute who briefly relives his life in Vienna of the century, a medical student who discovers the mysteries of existence dramatically, the unexpected metamorphosis of a young rich and bored or the fate of a small Jewish town through a Germany in midwinter, they are some of their arguments. They confirm to us again the surprising narrative skill of its author to delve into the deepest mysteries of the human soul. A poignant emotional loneliness and the inevitable loss of innocence that comes from it, complete the evocation of a world, as irretrievable as current surprisingly that describes Zweig masterfully.


Book: Noche fantástica

ISBN: 9788496489028
Precio de lista: $725.00
Descuento: 25%