In 1999, Jaume Vallcorba, then professor of literature at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, founded the publishing Cliff. With an experience of twenty years in the Catalan publishing Quaderns Crema, which had acquired a deserved reputation for quality both its catalog and by the exquisite care of their issues, Vallcorba launched into the creation of a new publisher, conceived as a space transversal reflection on time and genres, with the intention of betting mainly in literature.
Thus, Cliff has undertaken regular publication of essential authors of the best, both heritage and contemporary European literary tradition. One of his greatest satisfactions in this area was the Nobel prize Kertész Imre, who had already published three books. At the same time, he has addressed with great care, publication of key works such as Memories of Afterlife de Chateaubriand, Goethe's ...read more