Al Norte la montaña, al Sur el lago, al Oeste el camino, al Este el río

Al Norte la montaña, al Sur el lago, al Oeste el camino, al Este el río - László Krasznahorkai - Acantilado
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 181.4 g

South of Kyoto, next to the railway line of the Keihan line, just one stop away from the city, there is a monastery. A labyrinthine climb leads the grandson of the prince of Genji to this secluded place. Not far away, they say, you have to find the most beautiful garden in the world. Walk around the monastery grounds as if moved by an inner force. A subtle construction has given shape to nature, everything has its place and each form its meaning. And that is how a perceptive and meticulous view of nature, of plants, wind and birds, but also of architecture, pagodas, terraces and patios, is shifted. Letting the small become big, moving the secret to the center of attention, tracking the beauty of the everyday, that is what László Krasznahorkai does in this literary trip to Japan, a book of intoxicating prose, fascinating, that transports us to the universe ideological and sentimental more


Book: Al Norte la montaña, al Sur el lago, al Oeste el camino, al Este el río

ISBN: 9788496489264
Precio de lista: $410.00
Descuento: 25%