Nuccio Ordine (Diamond, 1958) is professor of Italian literature at the University of Calabria. Fellow of the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies and the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, he has also been a visiting professor at various universities in the United States and Europe. He has dedicated to Giordano Bruno a CD-ROM (Opere complete, Turin 1999) and two essays translated into different languages: The Cabal dell'asino. Asinità e conoscenza in G. Bruno (Naples, 1987 and 1996) and G. Bruno, Ronsard et la religion (Paris 2004). He is a founding member and general secretary of the Bruniani Internazionale di Studi Center, under the Italian Institute of Philosophy. He directs with Yves Hersant the bilingual critical edition of Giordano Bruno's Opere complete (Les Belles Lettres, Paris).