Historia de la música española 1

Desde los orígenes hasta el ars nova

Historia de la música española 1 - Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta - Alianza editorial
Publisher name: 
Alianza editorial
Year of publication: 

This HISTORY OF SPANISH MUSIC is a remarkable contribution to the knowledge of our rich but little known musical heritage. Each of the seven volumes that compose this ambitious project, aimed at the general public and the generality of music professionals, has been entrusted to a leading specialist in the corresponding period. The purpose of the authors has been to offer the reader, in a clear language, with conceptual rigor and basic documentation, the fundamental keys that allow him to traverse the roads through which Spanish music has developed over time: the most outstanding phenomena Of this process, the musicians who have illustrated it with their compositions and the writers who have dealt with it.

The first volume of the HISTORY OF SPANISH MUSIC deals with the vast period that passes from THE ORIGINS to the «ARS NOVA». The considerable difficulties of studying such a lo...read more

Category: All >> Music >> History and antiquity

Book: Historia de la música española 1

ISBN: 9788420664736