In these moments in which the Church lives a time of new evangelization, Pope Francis invites us to rediscover the greatness of God's mercy and proposes to assume it as his own way of life.
Alfonso Maria de Ligorio was one of the personalities of the Church who has dealt with the subject of mercy, as she has not only taught and preached but above all lived and interpreted with her life. Since he felt himself to be the object of the superabundant gift of God's mercy, he became a missionary of mercy and, according to the model of Jesus, helped many people inwardly wounded with words and deeds of kindness, or with a glance Of benevolence or careful listening. He lived as the good shepherd of the gospel, who leaves the ninety-nine sheep to seek the lost or lost.
Therefore, this book describes Alfonso Maria de Liguori as "master of prayer and mercy" and aims to be a contribut...read more