Amor y sexualidad en las personas mayores

Transgresiones y secretos

Amor y sexualidad en las personas mayores - Ana Vásquez-Bronfman - Gedisa
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Contrary to the prejudice that affirms that sex ends with the entrance into the third age, Ana Vásquez makes speak to the direct protagonists so that, from the stories of their sexual life, they narrate their experiences in that scope. Out of all morbid logic and all banal curiosity, in this novel investigation, fruit of a long work of three years, the author gathers the testimony of ten men and ten women of Spain and France, who count, with a mixture of confession And of anecdote, the most intimate details of their sexual life, from the adolescent awakening to the passionate, sometimes guilty, surrender to another person. The twenty testimonies presented here show the different conditions of life in which some have had to grow and fight against the scruples of the time, in addition to facing the myth That there is no place for sex and love in adulthood. Through her words, Ana Vá more


Book: Amor y sexualidad en las personas mayores

ISBN: 9788497841252
Precio de lista: $570.00
Descuento: 20%