Derrames I

Derrames I - Gilles Deleuze - Cactus
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Soft cover

How do you read this? You have to do an experimentation and get a method. "It's always about flows," Deleuze says. What to do with that statement so that it does not turn from subject to subject? A kind of retroactive, immediate rebound, of liquid that bursts against the point after the word "flows" and returns like a wave over the statement keeping it liquid. It's not that easy to read. It is not asking who says it, what its meaning, what that concept will mean. It's not that easy to read a writing experiment. A reading experiment is required, which is a much rarer thing.
Derrames entre el capitalism y la schizophrenia presents for the first time Spanish the classes of Gilles Deleuze around the problems, concepts and theses that constitute the series The Anti-Oedipus / Thousand Plateaus.
From his singular interpretation of the way in which capitalism works and its more



Book: Derrames I

ISBN: 9789873831614
Precio de lista: $530.00
Descuento: 20%