We are "inhabitants of a space and a long, mobile, dematerialized time, in which the sovereign is, as never before, the principle of the heterogenesis of ends. It is the interregnum, a new disorder and, moreover, a Babel. " The contemporary social space resembles a tower of horizontal Babel in permanent mutation where nothing seems to be already in place and many things do not seem to have it. In this sea without limits and agitated by the crisis, individuals, solitary interconnected, have lost the points of reference that define the activity of thought and reasonable action: they have lost the sense of the common. These last reflections of Zygmunt Bauman, in dialogue with Ezio Mauro, pretend to serve as compass of orientation to leave the Babel of the present. But the task of building a common responsibility and a new civic morality from knowledge is hard work. "We must equip ourselv...read more