Nuevas derivas

Nuevas derivas - Jacopo Crivelli Visconti - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 340.2 g
Soft cover

For more than fifty years, the term "derivative" has been linked to its use in the situationist context, linked to a social and political commitment that still characterizes the bulk of the works in which the act of walking is a central component. Based on an extensive research of Latin American and international artistic production of the last five decades, Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, traces, relationships between works, created in different times and contexts, looking for some characteristics common to the different versions and putting it at the same time in dialogue with some tendencies of art in general - such as the one that aims at the dematerialization of the work, or as the so-called "relational aesthetics", among others. In this way, "New Drifts" recognizes the way in which the close link between "revolution and the act of walking, the thing that the very word" movement ", in more


Book: Nuevas derivas

ISBN: 9789568415938