Ideas para continuar la 4T

Ideas para continuar la 4T -  AA.VV. - Itaca
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The 4T has shown that it has its own agenda opposed to the neoliberalism that dominated Mexico for more than thirty years. Under the pretext of promoting the market and globalization, a minority of large national and foreign businessmen and a group of corrupt politicians had taken over the State to benefit at the expense of the vast majority of the Mexican people. Their spokespersons in the mass media continue to maintain that the only viable path is to continue with that regime. The movement has developed a set of ideas for change that have been put into practice in the last four and a half years in power: separating political power from economic power and thereby putting the government at the service of the people and not of large corporations; combat systemic corruption that sacrifices the public for the benefit of a privileged minority; include the excluded majorities in the more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: Ideas para continuar la 4T

ISBN: 9786078856459