Habilidades para niños

Habilidades para niños - Ben Furman - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 270 g
Rustic with flaps

This book presents an innovative method developed to help children, from three years of age, to deal with their emotional and behavioral problems. Ben Furman demonstrates that children can get more of these so-called "problems", better and faster, if we approach them in another way: by making them managers of their own learning processes, working in close contact with their social network and serving us of the professionals that help and guides. Skills for children represents a method of change based on the terms in which the child moves and invites adults to the children's universe instead of focusing on the symptoms. Although thought as a tool for professionals, this approach can also be very useful for parents and family members. In addition to the theoretical development of the method, structured in fifteen steps, this book is complemented by the example of several real cases of c...read more



Book: Habilidades para niños

ISBN: 9788425439612
Precio de lista: $715.00
Descuento: 30%