Fabián Giménez Gatto is a Doctor of Philosophy. Member of the National System of Researchers Level I. Full-time research professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Autonomous University of Querétaro, where he is responsible for the research project "Body practices and visuality: body, desire and gaze". Research member of the Thematic Network of Transdisciplinary Studies of the Body and Corporalities. His lines of research are developed in the transdisciplinary and undisciplined space of body studies, visual studies and contemporary art theory. He is the author of the books Aesthetics of Darkness. Postmodernity, periphery and massmedia in the culture of the nineties (Montevideo, Traces, 1995), Simulations. Notes for a hermeneutics of surfaces (Mexico, Cenidiap, 2008), Erotic of banality. Simulations, abjections, ejaculations (Mexico, Fontamara, 2011) and Pospornografías (Mexico, La Cifra Editorial, 2015).