Autobiografía en fragmentos

Conversación jurídico-política con Benjamín Rivaya

Autobiografía en fragmentos - Elías Díaz - Trotta
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 235 g

Autobiography of personal character, individual, but that, in turn, believes to be (or wants to be) more general, at least generational and, with it, more communal, more social: of a time, of a country -Spain- that goes from the civil war itself, the long dictatorship, the opposition to it (but without "internal exile"), the reconstruction of reason and the current democracy. All this, in this case, lived from the University as a vocation and profession with deep concern for politics, collective life, here also as a vocation but not as a profession. It is an "autobiography in fragments", but with fragments that can be seen to be, because they belong, they derive and they are assembled in an inevitable, almost forced, totality. Both acquire meaning and meaning in reciprocal interaction. These pages deal with legal and political issues. The first focused on a "critical realism" as more


Book: Autobiografía en fragmentos

ISBN: 9788498797398
Precio de lista: $790.00
Descuento: 25%