Miguel Aguiló Alonso (Madrid, 1945) is Doctor of Civil Engineering (1970, UPM) and Bachelor of Economics (1974, UCM). Professor Emeritus of the UPM, he has been Professor of History and Aesthetics of Civil Engineering at the Higher School of Civil Engineering of Madrid, where he has also taught the subjects of Landscape and Environmental Engineering. He is part of the Cultural Landscapes Research Group of the UPM. In his professional activity he has been general director and vice-councilor of Public Works in the Community of Madrid and, later, president of Canal de Isabel II, Spanish Shipyards and Iberia. He is director of strategic policy in the ACS Group. Author and director of numerous bridge and structures projects, he has won prizes such as the National Urbanism Award or the Medal of Honor from the College of Civil Engineers. He has published 30 books, 35 chapters and 60 articles among which stand out: What it means to build; Form and type in the art of building bridges; The landscape built; Ten volumes of the ACS Architecture and Engineering Works collection, on dams, ports, roads, electric power, bridges, singular buildings, walkways, high speed and roofs, plus a synthesis on the Legacy of the built; Three volumes dedicated to Madrid, New York and Berlin in the ACS Cities Collection. He has given 130 lectures and participated in 30 round tables. He is President-founder of the Miguel Aguiló Foundation, since December 2009, whose aims are research, development, innovation, training and dissemination of civil engineering, architecture and related construction disciplines, especially in relation to its aesthetics, history and landscape.