El Mito y el concepto de realidad

El Mito y el concepto de realidad - Hans  Blumenberg - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 135 g

The "death of the myth 'is nothing more than a mask, a myth that Blumenberg, in the present work tries to approach, for my fake. Christianity, with its theological systematization, favored the consolidation of orthodoxy under the dominion of an absolute monotheism as opposed to the original freedom that characterizes the myth in the ancient polytheistic world. The myth, however, has survived the rationalization process advocated by medieval scholasticism and apparently consolidated into modernity. Interdisciplinary studies that address the world of mythology and myth have shown, over the second half of the twentieth century that the "demythologizing" of modern societies is only apparent. The myth, with its poetic character and free, based on the variation and constant repetition as a means to liberate the conscience of those powers that terrified native, remains more valid than ever. ...read more


Book: El Mito y el concepto de realidad

ISBN: 8425422906
Precio de lista: $585.00
Descuento: 50%