Dialéctica de la Ilustración

Dialéctica de la Ilustración -  AA.VV. - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 390 g

The "dialectic of the Enlightenment" expresses the awareness of the dense complexity of the processes that gave rise to Modernity and that are now about to overcome it without bringing forward their moments of truth. And it means, in addition, that those processes and the situation to which they have led are crossed by a fundamental ambiguity: that they can realize the Enlightenment, but also liquidate it. Which happens whenever that dialectic is ignored.

This is the theme that is elucidated in the debate that marked the end of the century: the debate on the transition from Modernity to the so-called postmodernity. A controversy in which the values ​​of the Enlightenment that shape the identity of our culture are at stake.

Preserving these values, "saving the Enlightenment", was precisely the interest that moved Horkheimer and Adorno to write Dialectic of the Enlightenme...read more


Book: Dialéctica de la Ilustración

ISBN: 9788498796681
Precio de lista: $895.00
Descuento: 25%